Make A Donation Today! 


Did you know that people with disabilities are the world’s largest disadvantaged group – 15% of the world population (a billion people) have a disability. 

Or that 80% of those who need Prosthetic and Orthotic services do not have access to them – that’s almost 10 million people in Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and India alone. 

Your donation, large or small, will make a huge difference 


£10 / $15 per month per month will buy a school uniform every month (uniforms are essential in Cambodia) for a child with a disability 

A wheelchair costs £75 / $110– a donation of £25 / $40 per month will provide 4 wheelchairs a year 

An artificial limb costs £120 / $180 – if you donate £50 / $75 per month we can provide limbs for 6 people each year. 

Click here to set up a standing order. You will have the options to add GiftAid to your donations. If you wish your donations to go towards a particular project, please attach a message, otherwise it will be directed into our general fund. 


£30 / $45 will buy a bicycle for a child with a disability to get to school – education means opportunity 

£50 / $75 will provide funding for a person with a disability to start their own business in Cambodia 

£120 / $180 will buy a limb – mobility opens the door to education, training, employment and independence 

Click here to make a one-off donation. Alternatively, you can post us a cheque made out to Exceed. If you wish your donation to go towards a particular project, please include a message. 


You can walk, run, swim, hike, kick, sing, bake, bike, sell, grow or play for us! There's no limit to the ways in which you can raise support for Exceed. Why not arrange an event locally or sign-up to represent us at a major event. Even a small amount will make a big difference; £10 will buy a school uniform for a child.  


By leaving a legacy you can restore hope, help and dignity to families, many of them living in extreme poverty throughout Southeast Asia.  

£2,500 / $3750 will support the annual salary of a community worker in Cambodia 

£34,000 / $42,000 will fund a trainee Prothetist-Orthotist to complete a three year course 

£6,500 / $8,000 will fund a Prosthetic-Orthotic technician to complete a one year course